Jump Start Your Health with a 10 Day Purification!
Canton Chiropractic Life Center
Dr. Cheryl Snyder-Hughes

Nutritional Counseling in Canton, MI: Lose Weight & Improve Health
Call (734) 981-8210 or Request an Appointment Online

Nutritional Counseling in Canton, MIWe are proud to have nutritional counseling in our large repertoire of alternative healthcare treatments.  We offer guidance for your unique lifestyle and goals. Whether to reach fitness goals, lose weight, gain energy, address a specific health issue or to lead an overall healthier and longer life; nutritional counseling can benefit you in achieving the results you desire.

Schedule your one hour consultation and ask about our 10 day purification program!

We are now offering nutritional surveys to help you decide on the best whole food supplements that are specific to your needs. We carry Standard Process products and can find out what you can do to help keep your immune system functioning at an optimal level.

Here are just some of the conditions that can benefit from nutritional counseling:

  • Heart disease
  • High blood pressure
  • High cholesterol
  • Allergies
  • Diabetes and pre-diabetic conditions
  • Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
  • Celiac disease
  • Obesity or overweight
  • Pregnancy health
  • Low energy

Nutritional counseling and purification programs at Canton Chiropractic Life Center in Canton, Michigan

Visit our state-of-the-art chiropractic and nutritional clinic in the heart of Canton Michigan.  We are located at 7680 N Canton Center Rd, Canton, MI 48187.  Our friendly staff is happy to assist you in setting up an appointment and most insurance is accepted at our office.  When you are ready to start on your path to optimal health and wellness, call (734) 981-8210 or contact us to request your appointment online.

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